

Mac version Download (ver 0.8.1: update 2012/07/18)

Win version Downloadver 0.8.1: update 2012/07/18)

*Windows version, installation of the QuickTime seems to be required.

The details of the latest update (japanese)

This is a utility for PTC.

This can make the QR Code of the PTC file, make a PTC file from QR Code picture, and edit the PTC of the "PRG, GRP, CHR, SCR, COL" type.

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  1. We do not take all responsibility about this software. Please use it by your self-responsibility.

  2. We may cancel development of this software without any declining.

  3. Because there are not all relations about this software with other companies to be related to, this software please warn you not to trouble you for them.