Pastebot Mimic


2012/11/25 release

Pastebot Mimic v1.5.2

Pastebot can be synchronized with Windows, the old Mac!
Macintosh version

Download v1.5.2 (Mac OS 10.6 Intel)

Download v1.5.2 (Mac OS 10.5 Intel)

Download v1.4.8 (Mac OS 10.4+ / PPC&Intel)

Windows Version

Download v1.5.2
(XP, Vista, 7, 8)

  1. 箇条書き項目Pastebot v1.4.1, v1.4, v1.3 and v1.2 It is the correspondence version. It cannot use in v1.1.

  2. 箇条書き項目The latest version of Pastebot download here.

  3. 箇条書き項目In the case of Windows, installation of Bonjour for Windows is required.

  4. 箇条書き項目Open UDP port 5353???

  5. 箇条書き項目installation of QuickTime is required (It is necessary to install QuickTime downloaded from the linked Websites for Windows. PastebotMimic doesn't operate in QuickTime installed with iTunes. )

  6. 箇条書き項目Please use use of Pastebot Mimic on your responsibility.

  7. 箇条書き項目Although the release of Pastebot Mimic is performed after tapbots's recognizing, since it is not related to tapbots at all, please do not make trouble to tapbots about Pastebot Mimic

  8. 箇条書き項目The manual is written in Japanese.

  9. 箇条書き項目Donations for the future development.

Instrusction (google translate)


Instraction video (youtube)